Area rugs

Area rugs

Protect the value of your area rugs with a professional  cleaning done by a company with 20 years experience that appreciates your investment. Area rugs complete a room’s look by adding warmth, color and texture to a residential space. They also collect dirt, pet dander and odors the same as standard residential carpet.

Metro Atlanta has a large amount of homes with expensive rugs requiring regular and knowledgeable maintenance. Always call an expert in  rug cleaning before an important investment is damaged.

Ask about our area rug cleaning specials.

Depending on a room’s layout and furniture placement, your rugs can be exposed to heavy foot traffic. Keep them looking beautiful by calling Carpet Care and Beyond to schedule them for regularly cleaning.

We are also one of the few companies in the Atlanta area to offer the option for off-site rug cleaning upon request. Please give 48 hours notice before the pick-up date. Estimates are done at no charge to the customer.

With some  rugs costing between $10,000 and $40,000 its crucial to deal with a company that has extensive experience. Carpet Care and Beyond employees are happy to set an appointment with our Marietta and metro Atlanta customers for a free consultation to discuss their area rug’s cleaning needs.


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